
Job Application – 50 Jobs



  • Apply to Preferred Jobs (50):
    • 25 recommended + 25 suggested jobs = 50 Job applications submissions.
    • 10 – 15 Job submissions / per week.
    • Email monitoring and client notification regarding interview opportunities.
    • Access to a keyword list used for 50 jobs applied.
  • Real-time Job Tracking System:
    • JobSentry applicant tracking system with real-time updates.
  • Introduction Essentials:
    • Two 45-minute sessions to understand job requirements.
  • Salary Selection Checklist:
    • Understanding market rates using 7 job boards and search engines.
  • Optimizing Your Job Search:
    • A 15-minute on optimizing LinkedIn profiles for job searching and leveraging networking opportunities.
  • Follow-up Session:
    • Two 45-minute calls on week 2 and 3 to discuss the progress and changes to the applied jobs.
  • Job Application Finalization:
    • Final session after applying for 50 jobs to discuss interview opportunities and next steps.

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