The Job Helpers terms and conditions are published to educate our valued customers and avoid misunderstandings, but not in any way to evade our responsibilities as a service organization
The Job Helpers strive to do our best in our capacity to guarantee 4 interviews for every 10 applications you submit. So, if you don't receive a minimum of 4 interviews out of 10 job applications, we will rewrite your resume up to 5 times a month until 90 days, free of charge. For this to happen, you should notify us in writing within 60 days of receiving your final copies with 10 email communications of rejections from employers. To rework the resume and other documents, we request you to provide us with 3 rejections of your application, together with 3 new positions you may wish to apply for, with the new content. Please note that you will not be eligible for this concession if the content or the format provided to you in our final documents has been altered, changed, removed, or fabricated at the point of submission.
Most problems that users or clients encounter can be resolved within 48 hours, and you can contact us at [email protected].
Our FAQ page has a lot of great information about our writing process, and each step is listed when you subscribe to a coaching service. You can learn more about our services here: